Monday, December 21, 2009

Eye On Malaysia

Malaysia biggest Ferris wheel

After we leave Fort A Famosa, we go straight to the center of Malacca that is Eye on Malaysia. Eye on Malaysia ticket price for Malaysians and foreigners would be different and that Malaysian adults who produced MyKad would be charged RM10, RM8 for children above 12 and RM5 for children below 12. Malaysian senior citizens and students from local private and public institutions of higher learning will be charged RM8. For foreigners, tickets are priced at RM20 (adults) and RM10 (children).

First time we sit at the Ferris wheel we would felt scare, because it is really high. Like Bao Cun he really scares at the higher place, so he sitting in the Ferris wheel already felt scare. At that moment the Ferris wheel stop at the top the wind are so strong our wheel also moves. But after two rounds we already felt boring because nothing to do inside the Ferris wheel.

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